Questions and Answers

  1.  Why is the BOA making a large number of Ordinances?

The following reasons:

a.  The Aldermen have heard loud and clear that the majority of the people want Salado to be safe, respectful of the environment, respectful of each other, friendly, and uniquely beautiful in every way possible.  To completely meet those goals is a challenge bordering on impossibility.  However, that is the intention of Ordinances.  Let’s review a few:

  You desire Safety and Welfare

a.  Complaint: Trucks and vehicles travel through neighbors with no regard of speed limits, road conditions, or people.  First: some streets in Salado are not in the City Limits.  An example is Hester Way.  Only about 25% of Hester Way is in the Village.  The other 75% is in the County.  Our Policemen cannot go outside the Village’s jurisdiction; therefore, Bell County Sheriff”s department is responsible for law enforcement.  (Of course, if Bell County asks for Salado’s assistance, our Policemen will be there.)  Another example is O.C. Lowery where new housing is being built on County land.  Yes, in the heart of Mill Creek.  Our Village Administrator will continue to ask Bell County to patrol county roads.  Second:  in the Village City limits, the Police can write tickets. That will make Village citizens unhappy but it is the only way to stop speeding and reckless driving.  Tickets are not to raise money for the Village coffers but to enforce safety. The BOA met the requirements for a municipal court and it is operational.  Court is held in the Village’s Municipal Building.  

b.  Complaint: Golf Carts drivers should be regulated.  These Courses of Action are discussed repeatedly with the following arguments:  a.  It is the responsibility of the parents and the Village should stay out of it.  b.  A parent should ride in the front seat with anyone who does not have a driver’s license.  c.  Only drivers who are 16 or older with a driver’s license can drive a cart.  d.  In Texas, golf carts are in the same category as bikes.  e.  We are a golfing community and golf carts are a way of traveling.  Just be careful and drive with common sense. No Ordinance is needed.

There is NO Golf Cart Ordinance that will satisfy the majority of the Citizens.  Unfortunately and sadly, the day will come when a person is going to be seriously hurt or killed and the question will be asked “Why was there not an Ordinance that could have prevented this tragic accident.”

You desire Respect for the Environment

Most people love deer.  However, there is a deer over-population.  Hundreds of dollars are spent on plants and flowers that makes Salado unique and beautiful.  Those plants and flowers are eaten by deer.   How can the deer population be controlled?

Outside of killing which is dangerous in neighborhoods and not wanted; trapping, which cripples deer, and no rancher willing to accept them without shots, etc. which are expensive; Texas not allowing sterilization of does; what else is there?  There was only one way left — stop feeding them; therefore, an Ordinance was passed not to feed deer.  Hard to enforce that Ordinance but there was no other choice at the time.

You desire Respect of Others

Yes, an Ordinance was passed on proper protocol/etiquette  in the Municipal Building or addressing the BOA.  It does not restrict speech, it speaks to respect, courtesy, and order.

Yes, an Ordinance was passed concerning events.  The purpose was to inform the BOA when events with large numbers of visitors are expected. The BOA is responsible for the health and welfare of citizens and visitors, therefore, assurance is needed that proper arrangements like Police, Security, Firemen/Firewomen, and Medical are arranged.  The BOA has no intentions or micro-managing or controlling business or events.

Yes, an Ordinance was passed concerning chickens.  Citizens complained that they did not want chickens on their property.  Drivers did not want to dodge chickens on the road.  No one is against chickens or people having chickens; they just want them controlled and not wondering around the neighborhood.

You desire Controlled Growth

The only way the Village can control growth and keep Salado uniquely beautiful and historical is through legal Ordinances.  If the Village just said “Welcome, come on in, do what you want, build any kind of structure, sell what you want etc., can you imagine what will happen?  A free-for-all that will seriously hurt Salado’s uniqueness and beauty.

The BOA takes seriously every citizen and tries to satisfy their desires and needs.  However, no Ordinance will satisfy everyone.  Therefore, after seeking legal guidance when needed, Ordinances are made with the best interest of the Village.  Are mistakes made, sure and corrections are made.  The BOA is not perfect but the people you elected love this Village, volunteer their time, and want to please every one.  Not being able to, they make the difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions.  But they listen, communicate, and try to make the best decision for the Village.  And, if they make a mistake, they are willing to admit it, and make a change.

As Paul Cummings wrote:  “Effort and action overcome doubt much quicker than theory.”